Promotional Animation

An animation to promote an application launched by a startup company. The Project was completed in 3 weeks, including sound design. The narratior is my good friend Sandhya Ramachandran from NID itself. It was one of my first live projects, and had to (and wwanted to) meet the deadline - so the animation is simple digital stuff.
Hopefully, its also simple enough to communicate the point! Do have a look and comment.

Some Hand-made Illustrations

Here is a sneak peek into what's to come in the next few days. I have been attempting to document some of my favourite stuff, and due to the size of the scanner, have resorted to photography. But here are some things which I managed to scan.

This was made using color pencils on paper. I generally avoid vehicles, but wanted to add somre variety, so gave it a shot. This was done before coming to NID, while preparing my portfolio.

This is a Painting by William Turner, being illustrated in Seurat's Pointilism Style. Basically, application of paint in the form of 'dots' (yep! patience...) - and the principles of colour interaction give the final look of the painting. This was done as a part of our illustration course taken by Priyankar Gupta, an alumnus of NID, visiting faculty and a professional freelancer in Mumbai. You can check out his work here :

Well, not much to say - I was awestruck the first time I saw this painting, and tried a study out myself!

Film Club Posters

For the love of Cinema....

Film Club is something I'm really attached to. Every Tuesday and Thursday, once the classes get over, interested people from the NID community gather at the Audi to watch a Film. This is not to unwind, but for academic purposes - hence we generally choose cinema that is not commercially popular/easily available in India, but still packs a punch in the context of its making. I believe, as a student of this medium, it's crucial to get exposed to the ways people use this medium. Of course, there is always the thrill of watching films on the big screen!

The Film Club occasionally ties up with organisations like Alliance Francaise, and we have the good fortune of viewing some of the best French cinema on 35mm Film and otherwise as well!!

These are various posters I made for the Film Club of NID. I love to watch films. As one of the coordinators of Film Club, I have learnt a lot by interacting with other experts, filmmakers, and film lovers. Most of them (except Nightmare Before Christmas) Have been made using existing visuals of the respective films. These have been made to be put up on campus notice boards only.


Here is what I carry with me. As my friend, philosopher, and guide Sekhar puts it - this is  my 'actual' laptop!
Here are some scribbled drawings. However, I put down absolutely EVERYTHING in my sketchbooks - notes, thoughts, experiences....I hope to compile it ALL in the digital domain one day!
But for starters.........

Basic Animation lineup

Animation - The very basics that we do

This clip contains some of the very basic exercises in animation that I did during my second year at NID. From walk cycles to small clips containing studies of squirrel and cat movements, to elements like fire and water, everything is compiled here, and looped thrice, for a critical overview.

The interesting thing to note, would be that in some of the exercises, we partnered with a batchmate, to exchange in betweens and keyframes, for our respective animations, hence getting a first hand experience of in betweening somebody else's drawings.

Needless to say, these are line tests of hand drawn animation. Would look a little crude, but the objective was to capture the motion.

Title Sequence Animation

Title Sequence for 'Fistful of Dollars'

This is a Motion Typography experimental animation.
I tried to create a title sequence from Sergio Leone's Western classic "Fistful of Dollars" (it's a must watch for all cinema lovers!)
Had just started with Adobe After Effects for compositing. This was made in about 5 days. The animation of the doors colliding is hand-drawn. Due to the time constraint, I was unable to colour the doors.

However, I regard this as a work in progress as I feel justice remains to be done to the film. The final look and feel image started off like this.